Sunday, 30 June 2013

Church Fayre baking

Been up early today baking for the church, I always always always use the same recipe and method for a basic sponge and its the one I learnt at primary school when my teacher said my fairy cakes were lovely and light and in my head I became a baking legend.

Ingredients (basic recipe)

50g Self raising flour
50g Butter (room temp)
50g Caster sugar
1 egg (room temp)
Some vanilla essence.

You can add whatever into this. Cocoa powder etc. If I'm adding fruit or nuts I coat them in flour and put an extra half spoon in the mixture to stop them going to the bottom during baking.

Then just increase to whatever size you need, for example cream sponge was 175g flour, sugar, butter and 3 eggs and that was plenty for the two sponge.

I'm not a fan on the all in method, I know it works for a lot of people but its not for me so I mix the butter and sugar. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl with vanilla and add it to the butter and sugar. Then add the flour and mix mix mix until its nice and lights and just about falling off the spoon.

In the oven at 180 until its done I can tell by looking at them now so i guess 20mins??

Anywhos, made 2 coffee and walnut cakes (added 2tsp of coffee in the measuring cup and just enough boiling water to melt it to the original mixture and a touch extra flour to make up for the extra liquid), 1 fresh cream cake and another batch of brownies...not bad for a mornings work!

Now really need to bank reconciliations as new month tomorrow means VAT returns need to be done!

Emma. xx

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