Friday, 28 June 2013

Gluten free brownies

Found some time for baking with the small one today, we made gluten free brownies and as you can see from the pictures Aurelia was eager to get into the chocolate.  Here's what we did...


100g butter
150g dark chocolate
100g gluten free plain flour
1tsp gluten free baking powder
180g caster sugar
3 eggs
And any extras you fancy, we added marshmallows and milk chocolate chunks but you can add anything for example my husband like white chocolate chunks and cherries or fudge pieces and nuts. You can experiment lots of different things here, I love smarties in brownies and they look great.

What to do

  • Melt dark chocolate and butter on the hob over a pan of hot water (don't have the hob on too high, that way you can complete the next stage with the chocolate going crazy!)
  • In another bowl mix flour, baking powder and sugar
  • Add the eggs one at a time and mix well followed by the chocolate mix which should be finished now.
  • Stir in your extra ingredients and add to a lined tin (mine was 33 x 24cm but you could probably go a touch smaller) I'll be honest...i'm not sure Aurelia managed to get as many marshmallows as I'd planned in the brownie!
  • Bake at 180 degrees for around 20-25 minutes but every oven is different so keep an eye on it.  25 minutes should give you a spongy brownie but closer to the 20 minute marks means they are still gooey inside.
  • Cut into slices and eat warm or cold...I always taste my food warm it just wouldn't be baking if I didn't taste it before anyone else get their mits on it.

Emma and Aurelia. xx

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